Wipe the tears away and send your snap.

It’s better for them to believe you’re okay

Than to believe you’re lower than their expectations

Wipe the tears away and send that “how are you” text

Because you don’t want anyone to feel what you’re feeling

So you pull yourself together to help someone else

Wipe the tears away and get ready

It’s better for them to believe you’re okay

Rather than expressing how you feel and then refuse to understand

Wipe those tears away and press that play button

Because sometimes it’s better than seeing yourself cry in the reflection

Binge watching Netflix because it’s better than facing your troubles and feelings

Wipe those tears away and turn on your music

It’s better to listen your way through

Because your pain is so immense music helps escape that

Wipe those tears away and go play your Xbox

Rather than facing your feelings and working through them

It’s better that you don’t go to work and pretend you’re okay

Wipe those tears away and smoke that blunt

Rather than face what you’re going through

Because it’s better to smoke your feelings away

Wipe those tears away and say you’re okay

Because it’s better that they know you’re okay rather than the ugly truth

Why would they wanna stand there and listen to your problems

Wipe those tears away and full send

Because it’s better to tip that Bud Light back

Rather than people know you’re struggling with your existence

Wipe those tears away.

Because the world can’t know what you’re going through because they just wanna shove other stuff down your throat to help you “cope” with everything rather than talk them out.

Wipe those tears away because you’re beautiful.

And they’re liars if they say otherwise.

Wipe those tears away and talk to someone.

It’s better than them finding out you’re dead the next morning.

Wipe those tears away and remember your very existence is for some beautiful reason.

Wipe those tears away and remember who you are.

Wipe those tears away and know that you do matter.

Wipe those tears away and say to heck with them, I’ll find someone better.

Wipe those tears away and sip your coffee like a boss because you are one.

Wipe those tears away and know you’re a queen.

Wipe those tears away and know that you’re a king.

Wipe those tears away and know that you’re a fricken gem.

Wipe those tears away and own your existence like a fricken boss.

Wipe those tears away, my darling.

Wipe those tears away and pull yourself together

Because you are better than this.

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